When you are searching on databases, such as Scopus or Google Scholar, you will sometimes see a clickable option underneath search results named Find It or findit@Sheffield. This is a function that will search for that article or item in StarPlus, and take you to the StarPlus record for the item if the library has access to it. You will then be able to access the article via StarPlus as usual.
The links are easily identifiable on most databases, for example on Scopus:
If you do not see this tab in your results it usually means that the article is not part of our online subscriptions. Alternatively, you may click on 'Find It' but find there are no links to view the item through StarPlus. If this happens and you urgently need to read the material then you may be able to access it via the Interlibrary Loans service. If the item is a journal article, please also search on StarPlus for the journal title to check if the library stocks hard copies of the journal volume and issue that you need.
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