Answered By: Your Library Team
Last Updated: Jun 01, 2023     Views: 202

You will usually be able to print a portion of an ebook, but this is determined by the publisher. It is often limited to around 5% of the book.  Please note that printing is usually permitted from the Read Online mode only - if you download the book or a chapter, you may then not be able to print from that download.

You can also add personal notes to ebooks in the Read Online mode. Notes can be tagged to any page of the ebook and the Reader Portal recognises who you are each time you log in, meaning your notes will automatically appear. As above, this functionality will not usually be available for downloaded content and so we always recommend using Read Online as opposed to downloading chapters.

Some accessibility tools are compatible with ebooks. For further information, you can watch our videos on 'Ebooks and assistive technology' and 'Ebook accessibility tools' or complete the tutorial below. For more information on accessibility tools such as screen-readers, you may wish to contact

Please see the library's Research Skills and Critical Thinking Tutorial on 'Discovering and Using eBooks Effectively' for a video demonstration on how to print and add notes, as well as other useful features.