Answered By: Your Library Team
Last Updated: Feb 27, 2025     Views: 227

Before publishing an item in ORDA, the dataset may be made available privately, for example, to share only with peer-reviewers. A private link opens a view of the item record that does not include the authors’ names or the institution (unless included in the description or uploaded files), making a private link suitable for journal peer review. 

Because of this, a private link does not give credit to you; it also expires after a set period of time. It is therefore not suitable for citation and must not be used to cite the data in publications. If you need to include a DOI in an article for data that has not yet been published in ORDA, see guidance on reserving a DOI.

To create a private link:

  • In the draft ORDA record under ‘Item actions’, click on ‘Share with private link’. You can then copy the private link to share.
    (To access and edit a draft record you have already created, go to the ‘My Data’ page and click on the ‘pencil’ to the right of the title.)

You can find more information in our ORDA guidance. If you have any questions, email the Library’s Research Data Management team at