Look at our guidance on how to search for a specific book, article, or journal on StarPlus.
If you are sure we do not have access to a resource that you need, you can:
- Check if the item is available via Open Access, StarPlus will also contain links, wherever possible, to open access platforms / content. This is particularly useful when looking for doctoral theses and journal articles.
- Expand your search using a database if you can't find the exact article you want, check out the Databases A-Z linked from StarPlus. The Library subject guides have information on the databases for your subject area.
- Suggest that we purchase a physical or electronic copy via the Library Resource Recommendation Form.
- Apply via our InterLibrary Request Service. All University members can use the interlibrary request link embedded within the StarPlus record to apply.

Further information is available here.
If you are studying on a taught course and the item you need appears on a reading list, please talk to your tutor. They may need to liaise with the Library to make the resource available on the reading list (eg articles, ebooks).