Group work, working collaboratively
There are a number of areas in the Library where you can work collaboratively.
Information Commons
The Connect 4 Learning Zone is located on level 4, where you can work collaboratively in groups as well as participate in seminars and other online learning activities.
There are various spaces in the building where you can work as a group, located on all levels.
There are also 15 bookable rooms of various sizes available between levels 1 and 4. You can select your capacity options on the booking form to ensure that you have enough space to study. Spaces can be booked via our booking form
Western Bank Library
Group study areas are located on levels 3 and 4 of the Library.
There are also 11 bookable group study rooms of various sizes available on level 4. You can select your capacity options on the booking form to ensure that you have enough space to study. Spaces can be booked via our booking form.
Health Sciences Library, Royal Hallamshire
There are 5 group study desks available, 3 of these are located in the Dr David Ryan room and 2 are located in Room C16e next door. Spaces can be booked via our booking form.
The Diamond
There are various general study areas where you can work as a group.
There are also 14 bookable group study rooms of various sizes available located on all levels. You can select your capacity options on the booking form to ensure that you have enough space to study. Spaces can be booked via our booking form.
You can view different study zones on our interactive maps.
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